I’m proud to announce Unreal Bucket is officially out of Beta! Thanks to your help we fixed major issues with the plugin. I present the latest news from our team.

We finally decided to quit Beta. We improved our infrastructure to be faster, more reliable and secure. You can expect better download speeds and less lags while browsing the library. It’s the core of Unreal Bucket and had to be done before introducing new features.

Previous versions of the plugin are not supported anymore. Make sure to download the newest one from our website.
Point Packs are now available!
If you enjoy Unreal Bucket and want to support us, you can now purchase point packs. Points can be spent on assets from our library. It will help us to deliver more content and focus on future development.
Check our pricing here: https://unrealbucket.com/pricing

Our library grows every week!
We constantly add new assets to our library. Thanks to Blueprints or Custom Materials we add let users to adjust assets as they want.
Check out our latest works:

Follow us on Instagram to be up-to-date with our newest additions: Link
We’ve recently welcomed James Ray to the Unreal Bucket family. He shared his amazing models with the community. Make sure to follow his works on Artstation or Polyhaven.com

If you would like to join our team, please contact me: michal@unrealbucket.com.
As always, we would be thankful if you could share Unreal Bucket with your community.
Thank you.