Tutorial: Pre-made physics simulation in UE 4 (3ds Max & MassFX tools)

Learning UE4 is awesome” –
That’s what you (or most of you) voted for in our online poll (see the results). That’s why we will make our best to upload more tutorials for you.
Today I prepared video tutorial where I’m showing how to make and import pre-made physics simulation into your UE4 game or cinematic. Enjoy!

2 komentarze do “Tutorial: Pre-made physics simulation in UE 4 (3ds Max & MassFX tools)”

  1. Hi,
    how can I import multiple meshes as a single asset in UE4 as you do for the fragmented rocks?

  2. Hi Ares,
    Those rocks are taken from Epic’s demo „Elemental” so I didn’t create them. To make multiple meshes as a single asset requires more effort. It depends on 3D software you using. I plan to update this tutorial to support such approach.

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