Pseudo realistic sand accumulation material


In this article I’m going to show how to create realistically looking rocky surfaces covered with sand in Unreal Engine 4. Most basic approach is to linearly interpolate two textures based on some designer defined value(i.e.. vertex painting). While the effect looks acceptable in some cases, there are situations where simple blending breaks the realism. One such situation will occur when trying to mix sand with gravel or rocks.

Czytaj dalej Pseudo realistic sand accumulation material

[Game] UBERCOLD – Complete UE4 project

note: The game has been done in UE 4.6 and it may not be fully compatible with the newest UE releases!

note2: The UE Forum user, fhl41, continues the UBERCOLD Project. Find out more: UberCold 4.9.2

Have you heard about SUPERHOT? An FPS game where time moves only when you move? I’m sure you have. Creators of the SUPERHOT had only one week to make playable prototype. We decided to the same. Our Project – UBERCOLD – has been made within 7 days in Unreal Engine 4.5 using blueprints only. Now we share complete UE4 project with you!

It’s also an FPS game, but in our case, time moves only when you DON’T move.

Check out UBERCOLD trailer:

Czytaj dalej [Game] UBERCOLD – Complete UE4 project

[MaxScript] Quick Bone Tool 1.0

I present „Quick Bone tool” version 1.0.
If you’ve watched my previous tutorial about pre-made physics simulation (link) you know how can this be helpful and speed your workflow.

QuickBone Tool

QuickBone Tool ver. 1.0

In few words:
Quick Bone tool is a simple script which helps you to quickly create single bones within currently selected objects. Created bones are aligned to objects pivot point accordingly. Skin modifier can be added optionally.

Czytaj dalej [MaxScript] Quick Bone Tool 1.0

We make Unreal stuff