If you follow this blog or my YouTube channel, you probably know that I’m an advocate for all things procedural in Unreal Engine. Whether it’s 3D workflows, in-editor tools, or my favorite—procedural and easily customizable shaders—this approach brings me a lot of joy. Creating content this way allows for greater flexibility and easier testing of new ideas. As a tech artist, I want to explore new techniques and continually grow. The topic of stylized graphics is perfect for this.
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Background Creator for Unreal Engine
As a 3D Generalist and Technical Artist, I often need to showcase scenes or assets like static meshes, skeletal meshes, and materials in Unreal Engine. My usual workflow involved rendering an object with an alpha mask and then adding a background or other elements to enhance the image. While it might not sound complicated, this process can be quite time-consuming, especially when preparing consistent images for a portfolio. I needed a more efficient, customizable, in-editor solution. So, I created an easy-to-use Blueprint that lets you create fully procedural, layered backgrounds in Unreal Engine using just post-process materials.
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I am happy to announce, the Unreal Bucket team has just released a stylized knives pack vol.1 with procedural toon material for Unreal Engine. The pack is available on the Marketplace: LINK
Stylized Glass in Unreal Engine
It’s been over 8 and half year since I released the „Advanced Glass Material Pack” on the Unreal Engine Marketplace. It quickly became popular and it felt really nice when it received good feedback. What’s funnier – some people from the Unreal Engine community started to recognize me as „The Glass Guy”. Recently, I decided to challenged myself again and this time create a procedural stylized/toon glass material.
Continue readingMake your game stand out. Why is stylized graphics better than photorealistic?
It was an honor to talk about Deadlink’s visual art style at the Digital Dragons 2023.
A tool for assigning materials to multiple meshes in Unreal Engine
I’m excited to introduce you to Material Utilities – a free tool that comes with the newest release of the Unreal Bucket plugin!
Assign materials to multiple selected meshes in your content browser with just one click! Use ID or slot mode to find matching materials. Use it with Unreal Engine 4 or 5.
Get the plugin: https://unrealbucket.com/
Detective’s Office – Speed Level Design UE4
I wanted to capture my process on how I created this „Detective’s Office” scene in Unreal Engine. I hope you like it!
Assets used in the scene: Unreal Bucket library
Project available on the UE4 Marketplace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/detective-s-office
UE4 Detective’s Office by Unreal Bucket
We took some assets from the Unreal Bucket’s library and we put together a small scene.
Detective’s Office is a fully optimized Unreal Engine level with baked lighting (no raytracing) and high quality and customizable assets (blueprints and material instances).
Check the pack on the UE Marketplace:
Find more about Unreal Bucket:
The Power of Unreal Engine Blueprints
Here’s a quick assets demonstration from the Unreal Bucket’s library. In this video I am showing how we use UE Blueprints to make assets more customizable.
- Air Conditioner: Blueprint with spinning fan material based on World Position Offset + additional meshes
- Power Strip: Blueprint with spine mesh component to manipulate cord easily
- Spotlight: Blueprint with easy-to-use exposed parameters to control lights and meshes.
Unreal Bucket leaves Beta!
I’m proud to announce Unreal Bucket is officially out of Beta! Thanks to your help we fixed major issues with the plugin. I present the latest news from our team.
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